在当今的数字环境中,密码是我们虚拟生活的守护者. 它们是保护我们敏感信息和机密数据的关键. However, 越来越复杂的网络犯罪意味着创造强大的, 牢不可破的密码不再是一种选择,而是一种必需品.

  • I never forget my passwords.
  • My passwords are unique to each of my logins.
  • My passwords are virtually impossible to hack.


Passwords are the keys to your information.

The importance of robust passwords cannot be overstated. 在一个明升体育app下载个人和财务生活与数字领域交织在一起的时代, 保护明升体育app下载网络账户和信息的重要性不容忽视. Often, 便利的诱惑使得个人在不同的平台上使用同一个密码, 无意中给了网络罪犯一把打开他们整个网络的万能钥匙. 为了对抗这个漏洞,每次登录使用唯一密码的做法是至关重要的.

If you lose your key, you are locked out. 如果有人获得了你的密钥,他们就可以访问你的信息. 有时一把钥匙开所有的锁很方便, but if someone obtains a copy of your key, they have access to all your information. 这就是为什么每个锁都有唯一的钥匙是很重要的. If one is “lost,” the other doors are safe.

Current studies indicate 60 percent of internet users reuse passwords across multiple sites regularly and 13 percent of internet users use the same password for all accounts and devices. 这让小偷很容易得逞,一旦他们有了你的密码, they essentially are you, at least digitally. 所以,你需要一个密码,对每个网站都是唯一的,不可能猜到,容易记住. It’s not as tough as it sounds.

Build a unique password using three elements

1. A unique, reusable passphrase

首先,考虑一个“密码短语”,对您来说是独一无二的、容易记住的东西,比如“Because you’re mine, I walk the line.“我们将使用这个密码短语作为我们所有密码方案的一部分,它将是你唯一需要记住的东西.

密码短语包含普通密码的元素(字母), numbers, special characters), 但是当“解密/解密”比密码密钥本身大得多. In “Because you’re mine, I walk the line,,你可以从这一行(带下划线的)中找出每个单词的第一个字母,然后做成这样: B4m!wtl.

内容由LBMC网络安全专家Mark Warren提供.

你可以边打字边说,但旁边的人听不懂. 这将成为根元素,并应提交到内存中, so make the phrase something meaningful to you. 你会发现用几次之后就不难记住了.

2. An element unique to each login

明升体育app下载密码短语的第二个元素包含您正在登录的站点的元素. 一旦选择了一种方法,就应该在不同的站点之间保持一致. You might pull the letters from the URL, or from the title, or from a phrase in your head that symbolizes the site to you.In this example, we will pull the last three letters from the host name in the URL. When logging in to Gmail, our element would be “ail.为了让它不那么显眼,你可能想把这些字母打乱. However you do it, be consistent from site to site. 在明升体育app下载例子中,我们将字母颠倒,使第二个元素为“lia”。 Our password for Gmail now becomes: B4m!wtllia

3.Something unique to you

Your final element should be something unique to you. 您可以选择添加对您有意义的字符串,例如日期或一组符号. 您可以选择为必须定期更改的密码添加修订号. 对于本例,我们将添加一个年龄,“29岁”,使明升体育app下载最终密码为“B4m!wtllia29y0.“据估计,台式电脑破解这个密码的时间大约是1570亿年!

So for YouTube, our password would become “B4m!wtlebu29y0” and for Yahoo our password would become “B4m!wtlooh29y0.”

你可以把这些元素串在一起,以任何对你来说最有意义的组合. 您可以选择最后使用根元素,或者在中间使用根元素. The example above is by no means exhaustive.

  • 为您与家人或朋友共享的密码创建不同的方案.
  • 为工作、娱乐或关键密码创建不同的方案.

The key is to find something unique to you. Find a pattern that fits you and you will never forget it.

数字安全的前景要求我们积极主动,保持警惕. 这里列出的三步方法为创建密码提供了坚实的基础,这些密码不仅不容易破译,而且迎合了我们天生的记忆模式和短语的能力. As we traverse the intricate web of cyberspace, 让我们记住,密码是抵御一系列数字威胁的第一道防线. By fashioning passwords that combine personal meaning, website specificity, and a touch of individuality, we transcend mere security measures; we create digital fortresses that shield us from the persistent barrage of cyber risks.

在一个明升体育app下载生活越来越与科技交织在一起的世界里, 花时间设计不受攻击的密码是对我们自己的一种投资 digital safety. 让在这里获得的知识让你自信地断言:“我从不忘记我的密码. My passwords are unique to each of my logins. My passwords are virtually impossible to hack.” After all, in the realm of digital security, it’s not just about passwords – it’s about peace of mind.